
Recent Training and the NMTC Wednesday Night Races

Over the last few weeks my training has been focusing on the upcoming Wild Duluth 100k, which is going to be my last race of the season before a short rest phase and then the start of training for the snowshoe racing season, and next year. If any of you are looking for a fall race to do it is not too late to register for the Wild Duluth races. The race has a Marathon, 50k and 100k and runs on the Superior Hiking Trail from Canal Park to Jay Cook.

I have been re-learning about decipline and flexibility with my training recently. In August I started a new job with a traditional 8-5 Monday through Friday schedule. This means that I have to get up at 5 AM on most days to get my first workout in, and so a second workout over my lunch break. Although the schedule works out, it was difficult to adjust for the first several weeks. Looking forward I think this schedule, and the new freedom for long runs and races I have on the weekends will be a good change.

I have also run in two of the recent Wednesday night races as part of my normal training plan. At a cost of only $1, they are a great way to do a speed workout on some of the trails in our area with other people from the running community.

The starting line of the second race at Zap's Loop - a cold afternoon!

(Photo by Eve Stein)

Start of the race
(Photo by Eve Stein)

At both the Zap's Loop and Superior Wednesday night races I finished 4th. I ran them as extended ANT workouts, and my heart rate was well in the ANT range of 169 to 178 beats per minute. I am looking forward to doing as many more of the Wednesday night races as I can fit into my training schedule.

I hope to see you all outside!

Keep exploring the limits-

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