
West Yellowstone Ski Camp

Over Thanksgiving I traveled with the St. Scholastica ski team to West Yellowstone Montana for the West Yellowstone ski festival. The location is great for training - it is at about 7000 feet of elevation and normally has very reliable early season snow. I say normally because this year for the first three days of training we were snow-less in town and so we had to go the extra 1000 feet up to the plateau for any real snow skiing. But never fear on the third day of camp we got almost a foot of snow in town.

The camp was 10 day long and consisted of the usual early season base training. Most days I did a morning run, and AM hour too two hour workout, and a PM hour too two hour workout for a daily average of between 2:45 and 3:00 hours of training. After peaking for Cross Country, it was great to get back to the base endurance training that I really enjoy.

Not only was the training good, but my girlfriend Meg also happened to be in West Yellowstone. Between getting to chill with her (which was amazing) and training at altitude the camp could not have been better!

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