
On To Ultra Season!

Just a short week after the Snowshoe National Championships, Meg and I took a spring training trip to southern Missouri and northern Arkansas. We enjoyed the warm weather, great trail running, and of course the Waffle Houses!

We love Waffle House grits!

During the trip I was able to average about 3 to 4 hours of running a day, focusing on base work. We found lots of great trails in the Mark Twain National forest and in the Ozark hills around the East Wind Farm community, where we stayed for several days. The East Wind Community is an intentional egalitarian community of people who live and work together farming, making nut butters, and manufacturing a few other products. They are a great group of people, and were very patient with all of my questions about the community and area. The relaxation and warmth was a great end of snowshoe racing season, and beginning of ultra season.

Meg and I helped to make dinner in the East Wind Community's kitchen. It's a lot of work cooking for 80 people.

We saw lots of Ozark springs, including the 23rd largest in the state (Who knew?!)

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